Europe’s largest low-cost airline Ryanair expects a higher annual profit than before after a surprisingly good third quarter.
After taxes and adjusted for special effects, 1,325 to 1,425 billion euros should now be left hanging, how the company is involved. Previously, Ryanair had assumed 1.00 to 1.20 billion euros. The prerequisite is that there are no unforeseeable negative events. The company continues to expect 168 million passengers by the end of March.
In the third quarter, a profit of almost 200 million euros should have been achieved, it said. For the first time in three years, customers had a lot of catching up to do during the holiday season. In addition, there were no adverse effects from Corona or the war in Ukraine. Due to calendar effects and the recent slowdown in Great Britain and Ireland, Ryanair expects a loss in the Gießen quarter.
The article Ryanair expects more profit first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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