aviation; Lufthansa CityLine: Flight information on the new collective wage agreement


The members of the Independent Flight Attendants Organisation (UFO) at Lufthansa CityLine approved the collective wage agreement with an overwhelming majority of 97.89%. The collective agreement provides for a salary increase of 7.5% retroactively to January 1, 2024, followed by a further increase of 4.5% from March 1, 2025. The term of the contract is 24 months.

Joachim Vázquez Bürger, chairman of the UFO, praised the approval of the members and the hard work of the collective bargaining committee over the past seven months. « The clear approval shows how urgently action was needed and recognizes the excellent work of our collective bargaining committee, » says Vázquez Bürger.

With regard to the future of Lufthansa CityLine, Vázquez Bürger expressed concerns and stressed the need to negotiate proper transfer options to Lufthansa for the cabin crew. In addition, the appropriate tariffs for the new Lufthansa City Airlines flight operation remain a key goal of UFO. The company’s management must live up to its responsibility and ensure continued employment under appropriate tariff conditions.

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