aviation: LOT resigns from CEO



LOT Polish Airlines evicts its CEO. Rafal Milczarski also has to clear his desk at the LOT parent company PGL.

LOT Polish Airlines is looking for a new boss. The supervisory board relieved Rafal Milczarski of all duties on Wednesday. The manager has been at the helm of the airline since 2016 and two years later also takes over as CEO of the LOT parent company PGL. The background to the sudden dismissal is unclear, as reported by the online portal Aero. Under Milczarski, there had often been tensions between the airline and the workforce. Pilots and flight attendants had already called for Milcazarski’s dismissal in 2018 – the LOT management had fired 67 participants at short notice after a strike.

LOT Polish Airlines was temporarily managed by the head of the supervisory board, Katarzyna Lewandowska, as LOT announced in a press release. At PGL, Elzbieta Bugaj will stand in until the vacancy is filled.

The post LOT separates from CEO appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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