aviation, Iberia Maintenance celebrates 20 years as an EASA 147 training centre


The Iberia Maintenance Training Centre, an approved training centre by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) since 2004, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. It is the only centre in Spain to offer type training for the Airbus A320 and A350 fleets. In 2023, the centre recorded over 150,000 teaching hours in which more than 10,000 students have been trained since its approval.

Ignacio de la Iglesia, Head of the Training Center, highlighted the importance of the facility for the development of the MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul) sector and the professional development of aeronautical technicians. The center offers extensive training facilities, including simulation equipment and a complete aircraft simulator, and employs over 50 instructors, 16 of whom are EASA-147 certified.

The training covers technical areas such as engines, aircraft and components and is also aimed at external customers. Iberia Maintenance plans to continue increasing the number of trained professionals to meet the growing needs of the industry. Forecasts indicate that the global aircraft fleet will grow by 28% over the next ten years, requiring around 33,000 new professionals each year.

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