aviation: Japanese ANA raises earnings guidance



All Nippon Airways enters the new year with optimism.

The past nine months of the current calendar sheet for the carrier better than expected. The listed company melted sales of the equivalent of around 8.95 billion euros for the three quarters today – an increase of 70 percent compared to the previous year, which was shaped by Covid. With operating expenses equivalent to 8.25 billion euros, the company has an operating profit of 700 million euros. After taxes, the ANA Group melted a net profit of the equivalent of about 445.2 million euros. The greatly improved figures allow the company to raise its profit forecast for the full year to the equivalent of 424.1 million euros – that is 50 percent more than had been expected three months ago.

« With the lifting of travel restrictions last quarter, we were able to offer our high-quality customer service to more passengers and fly to additional destinations, which is reflected in our positive financial performance, » said Kimihiko Nakahori, Executive Vice President Group Financial Officer and Group . “The ability to do this is a great testament to our employees who have shown patience over the past few years and written together to position ANA Group for the future.”

The post Japanese ANA Raises Profit Guidance appeared first on Aviation.Direct.

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