aviation: « Fernweh »: New photo exhibition at Munich Airport



The new « open-air » photo exhibition on the sidewalk between the S-Bahn station « Besucherpark » and the visitor park is likely to awaken a longing for faraway places in many guests: « Fernweh » is also the title of the exhibition with 20 large-format photographs of the famous Aviation journalist Dietmar Plath.

The well-travelled North German Dietmar Plath has put around 10,000 hours in the air. Around 600 airports in over 130 countries were visited, most of them portrayed. He photographed in Easter Island and Bhutan, Tibet, Sri Lanka, Antarctica, Papua New Guinea, China and Africa. This is how Dietmar Plath created fascinating pictures in the four decades of his professional life. His photos have been published in numerous aviation books and illustrated books as well as in well-known magazines.

The article « Fernweh »: New photo exhibition at Munich Airport first appeared on Aviation.Direct.

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