The airport company Finavia will simplify security checks at Helsinki Airport and increase the amount of liquids in hand luggage to two liters per passenger.
“Travelling at Helsinki Airport will be even easier from June 28th. More modern security control devices have been installed at the airport. « Thanks to this, we can now allow liquid containers with more than a hundred milliliters, such as one-liter water bottles and other larger containers, to be transported in hand luggage, » says Ari Kumara, Finavia’s security manager.
Finavia has now completed its development project aimed at smoother and less stressful security checks. The reform was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, in the summer of 2022, Finavia opened a completely new security checkpoint at Helsinki Airport. The eight state-of-the-art security checkpoints use new technology based on computed tomography. Thanks to the new scanner, liquids and electronic devices can no longer be removed from hand luggage.
The second phase of the reform took place in June 2023, when two more lines were opened at Helsinki Airport and all ten security screening lines became operational. In this way, the possibilities of the new technology are now fully exploited and Finavia can increase the amount of liquids that can be carried in hand luggage to two liters per passenger.
The article New scanners: Up to two liters allowed in hand luggage from Helsinki first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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